here at tweak,
coaches apply our three distinct principles:
1) Prevent injury. 2) Reduce drag. 3) Generate Propulsion.
We personalize appointments so that each swimmer is able to see the improvements they are making and understand how they will lead to stronger performances.

Kelli Dewey
Kelli started swimming competitively at 5 for the Tri-Cities Y.M.C.A. in Grand Haven. She competed as a successful freestyler, swimming at Oakland University under Head Coach Peter Hoveland from 2007 to 2011. Having spent her summers coaching younger swimmers for Grand Haven Rec swim program, running Tri-Cities Technical swim camp programs. and becoming a certified personal trainer, Kelli enjoys working with clients of all ages in and out of the pool!

Johnny Austermann
Johnny has been involved in the sport of swimming since 1991 when he began swimming for the Huntington Woods Hurricanes, where he now coaches in the summer. Johnny swam for the University of Michigan Men’s Varsity Swimming Team and Club Wolverine from 2004-2008 where he competed in numerous elite level competitions and was coached by Olympic Coaches Jon Urbanchek and Bob Bowman. Now the coach of BBA (Atlantis), Johnny's passion for coaching makes him an awesome part of the tweak team!